"FOLD SHOULDER TOTE" Drifter 2023FW New Arrivals Review #5
Size: ~ W40 x H40 x D6 cm (9L) , ~ W15.7 x H15.7 x L2.4 in. (2.4 gal)
Weight: 220g, ~ 7.76 oz.
Price: $45.00
This middle-sized 2-way bag looks simple and square, but when the shoulder strap is used, the top part of the bag folds down to change its appearance. It folds at the upper end of the line where the D-rings attached to both sides are attached.

The shoulder strap is detachable, so it can be removed when the bag is used primarily as a tote bag.
The maximum capacity in that case is 9 liters, which is sufficient for daily use, and in the fall season, it can also hold bulky items such as a thin overcoat with plenty of room to spare. Of course, it can be used as a shoulder bag even when it is filled to the top edge.
There are no inner pockets or dividers, but this is because the bag is designed to be used as a shoulder bag with the top folded down, and a large, snap-button pocket with excellent storage capacity is located on the back side.
The bag can also be woven into the right side in the above figure when used as a shoulder bag, in which case it will serve as a security measure, prevent the contents from falling out, and prevent rain from entering.